Stabilizing serenity is essential with living in our fast-paced, modern world. We need the tools to self-regulate on demand. Consistency is the path to progress. Your personal sadhana is the way that you take the teachings offered and make them a part of your life. 

We know we are more than this physical body; we have different layers and levels. We may have stored trauma from the past, we may have ingrained programmed responses to life situations, and/or we may have emotional reactions that have become habits. When these patterns are not addressed it can lead to a scattered brain, an over-taxed adrenal system, discord in the nervous system and a feeling of depletion.

This 12-week online program combines ancient yogic philosophy, and practices with modern scientifically validated processes that lead to personal expansion and transformation. This program is only for those eager and ready for change!

You will learn how to:

  • Align mind & body with the scientifically validated process of heart coherence
  • Repattern your nervous system and reprogram your brain for success
  • Self-regulate your emotions on demand
  • Stabilize contentment in the body mind
  • Create, move and direct your life force energy – awakening you to your fullest potential!

This program is for you if would like to experience harmony within yourself and all of your relationships.

“Jessica and her program have helped me find myself after divorce, find peace, love for myself, the desire to get healthier, gratitude for many things, and a friend. She and our sessions filled my empty heart with knowledge and blessings beyond my expectations! I would recommend her to anyone looking to find all of this and everyone so they may also experience their true self! Five stars are not enough.”

~ Lynda

In this program you will receive:

  • A sacred safe intentional container of transformation, rejuvenation and expansion with weekly LIVE sessions
  • A scientifically developed assessment tool to give you a snap shot of your current level of well-being and stress management.
  • A scientifically validated self-regulation technique to maintain harmony and energetic alignment throughout the day
  • Heart Coherence content only accessible from a Coherence Coach® with HeartMath®
  • Potent Kundalini Kriyas to cut through the lethargy, dullness and/or stagnation and revive the aliveness inside!
  • Relaxing mantras and meditations to calm the mind
  • 10 online video modules to support your journey of transformation
  • A daily Sadhana practice with the support of conscious community

This program is designed holistically to bring you into a more content, coherent, and fully integrated state.

Q: What has improved in your life after taking this course?
“I have been able to focus more on the tasks at hand. I have learned tools to help me maintain or restore calm in difficult situations. I have found that others/ strangers respond more positively toward me because this approach to life helps relieve the burden of carrying all that is difficult and invites us and others around us to be positive.“

Q: What would you say to someone looking to sign up for the program?
“If you have any inclination or curiosity about whether this will be a positive experience, give yourself the chance to learn more and sign up. Take up the challenge of making yourself and your well-being a priority. You might find that when you make yourself the highest priority, at least for part of your day, you will strengthen your body and mind and find a new peace, a new generosity, and elevate your consciousness.”

~ Dana W.

Here is how we will work together:

Physical Level – I provide guidance on a healthy way to process emotions and to “get the issues out of our tissues” through breath and movement. Those energetic blocks from the body may be holding you back from creating what you want in your life.

Mental/Emotional Level – Align your heart and mind through specific scientifically validated processes that helps you gain mental clarity and come to a place of neutrality and peace within minutes. Even during triggering situations, by creating a daily practice that helps keep your nervous system in balance you can take action from a more grounded, neutral, and peaceful place.

Energetic level – We will focus on releasing stress out of your system, work to reprogram your brain and re-pattern your nervous system. This will enable you to sustain a higher vibration and the more you direct your inner energy, the more you can easily direct your outer energy, the more you can create the state of being you desire with ease and grace.

Practice of the techniques offered in this course is a direct method to connect with, cultivate and express the wisdom within.

Q: What has improved in your life after taking this course?
“I have noticed improvement in all of my relationships. Others around me seem happy and vibrant. You get what you put out.”

Q: What would you say to someone looking to sign up for the program?
“If someone is looking to sign up but is hesitant, think of it as a college course study that is an investment in yourself. I now have the tools for a lifetime to live every day with fulfillment and ease.”

~ Alexa C.

Next Cohort Starts September 29th!

FREE Guided Heart Coherence Meditation

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Website developed by Theresa Kibler