Introduction to HeartMath® and Heart Coherence

This is a one-hour introduction to HeartMath® utilizing the rich content of The HeartMath® Experience along with experiential facilitation.

During our time together you’ll learn more about how the heart and brain communicate and how this will help you prepare for, adapt to and recover from challenging situations and regulate your own emotional state.


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Ready to embrace more Heart Based Living? 

In this program you will learn:

  • The effects of stress on your body
  • What heart coherence is, and what happens in your body and brain
  • How to self-regulate your emotions on demand
  • A scientifically validated technique to use anytime, anywhere, on-the-go, in the midst of chaos
  • How to plug energy leaks that deplete you, and renew your energy on a whole new level
  • How to stop managing time by managing your energy instead

FREE Guided Heart Coherence Meditation

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Website developed by Theresa Kibler